Mineral processing experiment project

Characteristics of fixed assets

The characteristics of fixed assets are:
1. The value of fixed assets is generally large, and the use time is relatively long. It can participate in the production process for a long time and repeatedly.
2. Although the wear occurs in the production process, but doe

The concept of silicic acidity

The degree of silicic acid is the ratio of the total amount of acidic oxides in the slag to the total amount of oxygen in the basic oxide. Usually indicated by the letter K, the slag of K = acidic oxygen / basic oxysilicic acid higher than 1 is acidic slag, and vice versa is

Some knowledge of sprinkler horn

Sprinklers are used very often during sunrise. If a speaker fails, it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble during driving. Sometimes the horn switch is pressed and the speaker does not respond or produce abnormal sound. The problems of general horns

Forward stacking method and equipment

Many small and medium-sized heap leaching sites and a few large ore heap leaching sites use this method of pile-up. Its most striking feature is that the pile-up equipment walks on some of the built piles.

The steps of pile-up are: 1

Mine safety production investment and measures plan

First, safety production investment
Mining companies must arrange for appropriate funding for improving the safety, security update technology and equipment, equipment, instruments, meters and other safety production inputs, in